Monday, November 13, 2006

Things I should be doing instead of making a blog

Making a Blog is one of the last things on a list of about 50 that I should be doing right now.
So, in honor of all the things I should be doing, I'm going to list them.

  1. Doing the dishes
  2. Cleaning the house.
  3. Spend quality time with my son
  4. Working on the business
  5. Creating a marketing plan
  6. Cleaning out the shed
  7. Pulling out the Christmas decorations.
  8. Making a list of things I should be doing......
  9. Homework
  10. Studying
  11. reading my bible, spending HOURS in prayer....
  12. Volunteer work...
  13. Sorting the socks.
  14. Washing underwear
  15. Mowing the lawn
  16. Cleaning off my desk...
That's just a partial list. I hope my wife doesn't read this.
If she is reading this, then, ummm, well....
Babe, I MUST do this blog as a part of a class assignment....

(he he he, think she'll buy that? She's not too bright....)
CRAP! She's probably reading this..... I'm in trouble now...

Well, I better go do the dishes and write down all the reasons I love my wife! Which I always do every day around this time!!! I love you babe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As his wife, yes I am reading this. I am extremely bright and he knows this. He is just trying to rile me up. After all it was my genius idea that he write the blog anyhow.