Monday, November 13, 2006

My daughter is more mature than I am.

I often tell me kids to stop goofing off in the store. You'll hear me say at least 5 times on any trip, that "this is NOT a playground!".

The other day, while shopping for leotards (I can't say that word without giggling), I had my 5-year-old inthe cart, and my 7-year-old daughter was not paying attention to me (like usual), so I decided to ditch her! after racing through the racks of clothes, a dead-end in the bra section, and hiding behind a rack of purses, I thought I had lost her.

She ended standing in the middle of the aisle, staring at me ducking behind a big purse. She had her hands on her hips, head cocked to one side, and annouced to the entire store:
"Dad! This is NOT a Playground!"
Great, I just HAD to get the cart with the squeeky wheels. Now I have 4 teenage Target employees shaking the heads at me, going "tsk tsk tsk". I've got to get the girl a muzzle....

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