Monday, November 13, 2006


I just spent 45 minutes trying to convince my 5 year old son that a Green Apple (Granny Smith) is still an apple. He is determined that Apples are red, and whatever this green looking thing is, it's not an apple!

"Dad! It's not Apple! Apples Red!"

"Brett, It's still an apple. It's just a green apple"

"No it's not Dad. You a liar!"

"Green Apples are still apples. Apples are all colors. They even have yellow apples"

"Apples are red!"

"Yes, some apples are red. These are green apples"

"I said RED!"

"Just eat your apples Brett."

"I don't have no apples. These things are green."

"They're apples! Just eat them!"

"I'm telling mom on you. You lying"

I swear, I'm losing my mind.....seriously.

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