Monday, November 13, 2006

My wife is trying to kill me

This is a cry for help! Where is the hotline for abused men?

See, my wife and I know that we will be together "til death do us part".
However, ever since the life insurance kicked in, I think she's been trying to kill me....

They other night, I woke up on the floor, My head hurt REALLY bad. It seems she had shoved me out off bed, and I hit my noggin', on the pointy part of the nightstand. Seems pretty clear to me.

Oh, and she recently made cauliflower for dinner! Need I say more!

Whenever she sees something exciting on TV (like the latest Wonder Mop), she gets so excited that she punches me in the groin - "accidentally". Right!

Oh, and she keeps stealing my boxers and T-shirts....I'm not sure how she plans to kill me that way, but I'm sure she's up to something devious.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, "My Wife is trying to kill me". Seriously. If I wasn't before I sure am going to now. Just wait till I get home.